Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Dear World.
Sometimes you suck.
From katelyn

Saturday, October 11, 2008



I had a conversation with someone the other day, that was one that makes you think hardcore.
We spoke about my time in Africa. And Elam. This beautiful little girl who changed my life. Who makes me want to be a better person. I miss her smile, her hugs, and the exclaimation " Canada Kati" every morning. She is on the other side of the world. I love her so much.

I realized one of the reasons I can't make up my mind about next year. My next year plan, and the years to follow. I want to go back to africa, but at the same time the idea terrifies me. I have learned that I am entirely terrified of the idea that this little one, who I love with my entire heart, could not remember me by the time I return.

Elam, you are so far away from me, and so close to me at the same time. I think about you everyday, and returning to you one day. Please dont forget me, as I will NEVER forget you.

She shoots for jupiters moons tonight.

So I had read this article a while ago, about this guy, who had people submit stories that summed up their lives. The catch to the whole thing, was that the story could only be 6 words long. I am purchasing the book tomorrow. But I found some online, and thought they were worth sharing. Some aren't "stories" as much as statements, that imply a story.Some are funny, some are mournful, some are weird. They all make you think. So here it goes.

1. "oh no, i think i'm lost"
2. "today, I threw her toothbrush away"
3. "Shortest sex manual: In. Out. Repeat."
4. "Buffalo buffalo buffalo, buffalo buffalo buffalo."
5. "For he's a jolly good fellow"
6. "I wonder what this button does..."
7. "Yesterday, went to bed too late."
8. "Bang! Expand...Shrink...the Universe was."
9. "Story is beginning, plot, resolution, conclusion."
10. " You're the nutmeg on my latte."
11. "The flowers aren't to say, "sorry"
12. "He regretted not loving her enough."
13. "He was born, but without life."
14. ''My head machinates like whirling kaleidoscopes."
15. ''Today was tomorrow only yesterday'
16. ''Love found, love lost, start over."
17. '' Eat a hotdog, you stupid man"
18. '' Torn wedding dress drapes casino floor."
19. ''and prozac lived happily ever after."
20. ''Me, them, and this rubber goat."
21. "For sale:baby's shoes, never used."
22. ''Cupid - Fat. Naked. Dangerous. Be Afraid."
23. ''to be or no to be"
24. ''He put his best foot forward."
25. ''I made macaroni and cheese, jealous?
26. ''The sun will still rise tomorrow."
27. ''My future - love life, live fast, play rugby"
28. "fart and burp simultaneously? easy..."[splat]
29. ''born, grew, lived, died, rembered,forgotten."
30."They all lived happily ever after."

Friday, October 10, 2008

This morning I got to school super early. I was planning to sit and study while the jazz band played. Except that I forgot that it was friday, and there was no jazz band. Instead there was a few guys just jamming without a drum player. So after getting frustrated with my shitty math studying, I decided to go play with them. I ended up having so much fun and proving myself to "the boys". All the boys jam, and play and whathaveyou, but I decided that was silly.
So we played, and even the teacher was impressed. Class started like 30 minutes later, and we ended up warming up as class playing the blues, with a rhythm section, and each person solo-ing.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Old news.

I've realized I've had alot of the same things in my life forever.

I've been at my school for 6 years.

I've had the same hair colour for a little over 1.5 years.

I've had the same friend issues, and never seen the bigger picture to not run into the same problems.

I've had the same brother for 14 years. (some things we can't change. Damn.) JUST KIDDING.

And the poster on the back of my door. My lovely younger brother pointed out that it has almost been there for A DECADE. I am not joking. A DECADE. what a joke.

So its time for new posters, some new adventures, and some new big pictures.

I was complaining about change in a previous post. But some things are needing to change. The world is looking a little more clear, and my head is on straighter for now.

I dont need some things in my life anymore, and I am going to do some fall cleaning. Not on my room. Dont be so silly. My life instead.

I wont give up the big sunglasses though. I think they rock. Or My fancypants dog Nog. He can stay forever. BFF fo lyfe yo.

My buddy.

This is my wicked cool friend. She helps me get through choral classes, weird girls with fangs, awkward cocky boys, and the general awkwardness of highschool.

She is funny, and bubbly, and pretty wicked. Dont try to steal her though. She is my friend.

I think she's fab.

Props to Erin.