Saturday, November 8, 2008

bored on saturday afternoon.

1.Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N:

2. Are you single?

3.What is your favorite number?
7 is pretty good.

4.What is your favorite color?

5.Least favorite color?

6.What are you listening to?
The commercials between Jon and Kate plus 8.

7.Are you happy with your life right now?
I'm decently happy. Could be worse, could be better.

8.Are you involved with anyone?
Involved romantically? No. Crushing innocently..yes.

9.What is your favorite subject in school/ college?
I like band.

10.Do you shop at Abercrombie?
No. its dark inside, you cant see the clothes, it smells like ass, and it is loud as hell.

11.Do you have money?
I have some cash downstairs.

12.Would you take an ex back?
No. You clearly broke up for a reason, why go through it again.

14.Are you gay?

15.Where do you wish you were right now?
Having a nap/

16.What should you be doing right now?


Can you blow a bubble?
With gum? yes. With spit? Yes. I am attractive, I know.

Can you do a cart wheel?
I'm too old for that. My bones would break. But back in the day, I definitely could

Can you touch your toes?
Yes. Really well.

Can you wiggle your ears?
Very subtly.

Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
ew. no.


Did you ever want to be a doctor?
Not overly. Although grey's anatomy is inspiring..

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
Nope. I used to freak if mom tried to have candles at the dinner table. Like wouldnt eat.

Did you ever want to be a teacher?
Yes. Everyday.


Do you like rollercoasters?
Not even a little. Why put such stess on my little heart?

Do you own a bike?

Do you play the lotto?

Do you like football?
Not overly. Games are fun to go to, and not watch on tv. its the atmosphere.

Do you have a shopping addiction?
Some might say....


Does your family have family picnics?
We like to roast hotdogs sometimes. That might count.

Does you wallet have any pics in it?
Only ID pics. I should carry one of nog.

Does a soft answer turn away wrath?


Last person you hung out with?
Nicole. I went out, and didnt finish my room. Its the last hang out for a while. Lets not talk about it.

Last car ride?
Last night, I got a ride home.

Last text message?
I just texted taya.

Last baby you held?
Molly. Like a month ago. She hates me,.


What was the last thing you bought?
uhh. lunch. A veggie sandwich and creamy veg soup.

What was the last thing you had to drink?

What was the last thing you watched?
Jon and Kate plus 8 just ended.

What was the last thing you read?
Uhh.. The last lecture. Or my math text book.

What was the last thing you hand wrote?
holy man. I cant remember. Its been a few days.


Who last talked to you on the phone?
I tried to call taya. she is in a movie.

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Nog. Hes a star.

Last person to leave you a comment?
Kristina Ketsa

Who do you miss right now?
Nog. He's sitting on he couch, and not my lap.

Who last hugged you?

Who last IM'd you?
Dear god, i have no idea.


What color shirt are you wearing?

Have any tattoos?
Nope One day/

Have you any piercings?
yes. nose. ears.

Straight hair or curly?
I have curly death.

Where are you?


Failed a class?
Uhh, lets not talk about chem 30 ok?

Confessed your love and been turned down?
Not immidiately, it took a few months of lying first.

Accomplished a life goal?

Thought you were pregnant?

Sang in front of a crowd?
tons of times with my choirs.


1. My pillow.


3. clothes on the floor

4. Nog

5. my bed

6. Math deathbooks.


3. Wanna get married?


1. Popcorn

2. Sleep

3. Food

4. My butt going numb..

The way to win your heart?
be genuine and loving. honest. open. FUNNY sarcastic.

When was the last time you really laughed?
I really laugh all the time. I went to band camp.

Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
I sure have. Why waste a glass if all you want is a sip?

Who knows a big secret about you?
I dotn have many BIG ones. But if I did, my close friends would likely know.

How long is your hair?
just passing my shoulders

Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
MY momma.

When was the last time you sang out loud?
Listening to the radio.

What did you have for breakfast??
WAFFLES. i made them all on my own, and didnt burn them, and then noone wanted them. so there are lots in my fridge.

Is your birthday on a holiday?
Yes. I was born on good friday, and every year its during spring break.

What instant messaging service do you use?
MSN,but i NEVER use it.

Are you signed on it right now and if so, who are you talking to?
no and no

Can you cook?
that is debatable.I like mac and cheese, and brocolli chicken. AKA yes.
Did you have a nap today??
I wish.

What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?

When is your birthday?
MArch 29.

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
one from Gap.

Do you have any regrets?
don't we all? they are good life learning experiences though.

Do you use an alarm clock?
Baha no. My mommmy wakes me up..

Whats the first thing you notice of the opposite sex?
shoes.eyes. hair.

What color is your favorite shoe?

Who would you like to see right now?

Are you a social or antisocial person?
I like being social with my friends.

Have the cops ever come to your house?
Yep. a multitude of times. for reasons that show i am no criminal.

Do you have a tan?
people often use the words "white" "pasty" to describe my skin color.

Would you rather sleep in the bed with someone, or alone??
I like to sleep diagonally. So alone. in a huge bed.

Are you afraid of the dark?
a little.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

What's your favorite commercial at the moment?
I love the one for Telus with the meercats with that song from LOTR. They always play it at the theatre.

Do you always wear your seat belt?
Always. I don't want to fly through the wind sheild.

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
The boys at band camp.

Do you know what you want to do with your life?
parts of it, yes. :)

How is life going for you right now?
Pretty good. Could be better could be worse.

Do you like American Idol?
the auditions are the only good part of that show.

How do you feel about piercings and tattoos?
I like when they are tasteful.

Do you believe that what comes around goes around?
Yes.Sometimes. bad things happen to good people though. all the time.

What is your favorite fruit?
I love strawberries at room temp. Not overly cold.

Does anyone love you?
My fam.

Where is one place you want to visit?
. I want to go back to Africa again. I hope we go to Greece.

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes. How else do you get into your house when you are locked out?

Are you a morning person or a night person?
I am a total night hawk.

Are you a forgiving person?
Sometimes too much of a forgiving person. Sometimes I hold a grudge.

What are you listening to right now?

Who was the last person to smoke a cig in your presence?
not sure?its been a while i hate it. BARF.

Are you taller than 5'6?
Yes, I am 5'8ish.

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