Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One leg in, one leg out.

So Imma ‘bout to go to sleep last night, and it was a nice day. I didn’t have to work, so I got to sleep in, and watch some of my favourite PVR’d TV shows. It was really nice. And then I had some lunch with Nog, and that’s pretty much been my day. So not a whole lot to be updated. So I figure, lets just get right to the list of awesome. Numbers three and four!!

3) I don’t really discuss the method other people use to help themselves stay comfortable during the night, but I have a few solid things that I do as I fall asleep that keep me comfy for hours. Which is the whole idea really. So. Number thee on the list, is infact, sleeping with one leg under the covers and one leg out. No one appreciates the self ventilation this provides your body. I love it. Its just so overly convenient.

4) Going along with the SLEEP theme today, as that is what I am about to indulge in, I also LOVE LOVE LOVE waking up before my alarm to realize I still have an hour left to sleep. I think it is soooooo satisfying to roll back over and say “take that, universe!!”

So here’s to a good night’s rest, and a good early shift at work tomorrow. Come buy a latte. You’ll love it.

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