Sunday, September 28, 2008

Potato Taya/

This is my buddy. My friend, my ho-bag and likely my other half.
She used to live in Utah. But we dont talk about that, because that was a sad time, when we werent nearly BFFS.
She took me to her lake, to sit and chat on a warm day.
She took me to Mcdonalds on vacation, when we "snuck" out with the parentals knowledge.
We order pizza to my front lawn at midnight, so the parentals dont wake up and get disturbed.
We make fun of people, their douchebag boyfriends,and the lives they are living.
We played with waterballoons and they became my children during family reunions.
We go to awkward family reunions, and laugh about silly stuff.
I dont have a crush on her twin, which is probably why we became BFFs.
This is my buddy, my pal, the beast, the best.
I love her. My cousin, slash sister, slash I am just really glad she lives here now.


Anonymous said...

Me too!
She makes the world a little brighter, doesn't she???

Taya Jensen said...

aww.. you two are just to kind. I freakin love ya'll.

Our talk that day pretty much got me through that week.. I had a hard couple days there for a min.

♥ you boo.