Saturday, September 13, 2008

Youtube Jerk.

So I was in a pretty bad mood today.
I'm not sure what put me into the mood. I tried to make plans with a couple of different friends and they were all busy.
Then tonight I was listening to music on youtube, because thats the cheap way to have music on your computer, and I came across this pretentious prick who was critiquing my choir, and was saying that....

" There is a difference between moving with emotion and becoming distracting and sticking out from the rest of the choir. If people are doing something that makes the audience notice them as a single person it defeats the entire purpose of a choir."

I was the girl moving my hand to the beat for a song or two. Which clearly offended this person. So I guess I was defeating the purpose of a choir all together for 3 years. Thanks jerk. You made my night.

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